For Your Peace of Mind - RGB Custom Builders New Home Warranty
RGB Custom Builders warranty starts with our quality of construction. Because after all, the more trouble-free the home, the less we will have to do to warranty the home!
With the RGB Custom Builders warranty, we will walk you through your home and prove to you the home is completely finished prior to move-in day.
RGB Custom Builder’s standard follow-up program is to deliver a complete home and then schedule a 90-day and a 1-year checkup. This is to make sure that all of your concerns are addressed. Any intermediate, more pressing concerns will be addressed immediately.
As an additional service, we provide a 12-year written warranty protection plan through Residential Warranty Company (RWC). RGB Custom Builders have met the required qualifications for this coverage by having a very successful track record in customer service and quality.
This added dimension of RWC protection is the buyer’s assurance that they are receiving the best value for their investment. The peace of mind to new home builders is just another reason to choose RGB Custom Builders.
Affiliations & Organizations
RGB Custom Builders is an active member in many affiliations and organizations in the building community. Some of these affiliations are listed below.